Chef Cylvan Tan Kitchen: 2014

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Recipe Cake




5 Butir telur
150 gram gula pasir
1/4 Sdt cake emulsifier
140 gram tepung terigu
25 gram cokelat bubuk
100 gram margarine, lumerkan

Hiasan :

100 gram
200 ml susu cair
100 gram cokelat masak, serut 
atau hias dengan cokelat oles/pasta

Cara membuat :

1 Panaskan oven dengan temperatur 175 derajat celcius.                                          
2 Siapkan loyang muffin, Beri kertas cup, sisihkan.                                            
3 Kocok telur bersama gula pasir, emulsifier dan tepung terigu selama 7 menit. Masukan margarine cair, aduk rata.                                                                     
4 Tuangkan adonan kedalam kertas cup, panggang selama 20 menit, angkat. Dinginkan.             
5 Hiasan :kocok krim bubuk dengan susu cair dingin hingga mengembang, masukan ke dalam kantong semprot dan buat sseuai dengan selera, beri coklat serut dan simpan dalam lemari pendingin.    
6 Sajikan sebagai teman minum teh atau kopi.
Untuk : 12 buah


Bahan :

4 butir telur
100 gram gula pasir
1/2 sdt cake emulsifier
125 gram tepung terigu
1 sdm bubuk sari jeruk
100 gram margarine lumerkan

Hiasan :

50 gram krim bubuk
100 ml susu cair dingin
Jeruk mandarin dalam kaleng secukupnya

Cara membuat :

1 Panaskan oven dengan temperatur 175 derajat celcius                                          
2 Siapkan loyang muffin, beri kertas cup, sisihkan.                                         
3 Kocok telur bersama gula pasir dan tepung terigu selama 7 menit hingga mengembang,      masukkan sari jeruk dan margarine cair, aduk rata.                                             
4 Tuangkan kedalam loyang dan panggang selama 20 menit hingga matang, angkat dan dinginkan. 
5 Hiasan : kocok krim bubuk dan susu cair dingin, aduk rata, masukan ke dalam kantong hias. 
6 Buat hiasan dari krim dan beri jeruk mandarin, simpan dalam lemari pendingin.             
7 Sajikan sebagai teman minum kopi atau teh.
Untuk : 12 buah


1 Bungkus lapis legit berat 265 gr, iris 

Adonan Isi :

2 Buah mangga harummanis, haluskan 
100 gr gula pasir
250 ml susu cair
1 bungkus agar-agar bubuk warna putih 
500 ml krim kental, kocok 
10 gr gelatin larutkan dengan 50 ml air hangat 

Hiasan : Strawberry segar 

Cara membuat :

1 Siapkan loyang bongkar pasang ukuran 22 cm, sisihkan                                        
2 Tata irisan lapis legit di dasar dan pinggiran loyang                                             
3 Adonan isi : mangga yang telah dihaluskan campur dengan gula pasir, Susu cair dan agar- agar, aduk rata dan didihkan, angkat dan dinginkan.
4 Krim kental kocok hingga mengambang kaku, campurkan ke dalam adonan mangga.                                     
5 Gelatin larutkan dengan air hangat dan tuangkan kedalam adonan mangga, aduk rata.      
6 Tuangkan adonan isi kedalam loyang dan simpan dalam lemari pendingin selama 3 jam hingga mengeras.                                                                                      
7 Hias menurut selera dan sajikan.

Untuk : 12 Orang

Monday 22 September 2014


Sauce is a french word taken from the latin Salsus,meaning salted.

Why We need Sauce? is important

Sauce play a verry important  part in all of  cookry. At time, a sauce  enhances a dish by capturing it's main Flavours and adds color and texture to a dish.

A.sauce relies on the Chef's appreciation of flavors and an understanding of thickening methods with a skilled temperature control.

Classical Mother Sauce

before we understand sauce type  we need to know what is the classical "mother sauces"
because verry important to create many diffrent types of sauce callled "Derivatives"

Mother sauces 

  1. Bechamel
  2. valuete
  3. Espagnole
The Roux type and the liquid used will deternine the name of the mother sauce. so we must understand what is roux and type of roux.

roux an equal of fat and flour cooked whisk together as the thickened agent for the sauce.

3 type of Roux 
  •  White Roux    >  milk   =  Bechamel
  •  Blond Roux    >  Chicken Stock / Fish stock / Veal Stock  =  Veloute
  •  Brown Roux  >   Beef / Veal Stock = Espagnole

Mother Sauce Derivatives
  • Bechamel
  1.  Mornay Sauce
  2.  mustard sauce 
  3.  parsley sauce
  4.  Anchovy sauce 
  • Veloute
  1. Shrimp Sauce
  2. Capers Sauce
  3. mushroom sauce
  4. white wine sauce
  • Espagnole
  1. Demi Glace Sauce
  2. Madeira Sauce
  3. Piquant Sauce
Other Sauce Type

Emulsified Sauce 

What is Emulsified?
Emulsification is when two unmixable liquids are blended toghether to form a new stable substance.

Emulsifier is a substance which stabilizes an emulsion such as egg yolk and mustard.

Emulsified Sauce:

  • Mayonnaise
  • Hollandaise Sauce
Butter Sauce

Butter Sauce  are simple in that they only require butter and few ingredients added to created sauce
such  herbs,wine,spices or stock.Can be serve in hot or cold.

Compound butter Sauce 

all made in similar fashion. the main ingredients are chopped finely and mix into soft  butter.then rolled into greaseproof paper and hardens in the fridge.

Beurre Blanc (Butter & White Wine)
A.classical french sauce beurre blanc is generaly used with fish is verry rich and does not require too much sauce on the plate.

Beurre Noisette ( Butter & Nuts)


Lamb Cutting

Monday 2 June 2014

Type Of Cooking Methode

The basic methods of cooking include (1) baking, (2) roasting, (3) broiling and grilling, (4) frying, (5) boiling, (6) simmering, and (7) steaming. Salt, pepper, and other seasonings may be added to improve flavor. Baking. Food is baked by cooking it in an oven. In most cases, the oven temperature ranges from 300 to 450 °F (149 to 232 °C). The word baking usually refers to the cooking of foods made from a batter or dough. Such foods include breads, cakes, cookies, and pastries. However, casseroles, a few vegetables and fruits, and some cuts of meats can also be baked. Roasting is cooking food uncovered in hot air. The term usually refers to the cooking of meat. For example, a turkey or a leg of lamb is roasted. In roasting, the meat is usually placed on a rack in a shallow pan and cooked uncovered in an oven. The temperature usually ranges from 300 to 350 °F (149 to 177 °C). Broiling and grilling are cooking by the application of direct heat. In broiling, the food lies directly under a continuous heat source. Meat can be broiled by placing it on a rack in a shallow broiler pan. The surface of the meat lies 3 to 5 inches (8 to 13 centimeters) under the flames in a gas range broiler or below the broiler heating unit in an electric oven. Leave the door open slightly when broiling in an electric oven to prevent the air in the oven from becoming too hot. In grilling, the food lies directly over the heat source. Cooks sometimes grill sandwiches in a skillet on the stove. In barbecuing, highly seasoned meat is grilled over hot coals. In panbroiling, the meat cooks in a skillet over a burner. The fat that melts from the meat is poured out of the pan as it accumulates. Frying is the cooking of food in fat, such as butter or vegetable oil. Frying adds fat and calories to food because the food absorbs some of the fat in the pan. There are three main methods of frying: (1) deep-frying, (2) pan frying, and (3) stir-frying. In deep-frying, a large amount of fat is heated to about 350 °F (177 °C) in a heavy saucepan or an electric appliance called a deep-fryer. The hot fat completely covers the food. Deep-frying is a popular way of cooking chicken, French fried potatoes, and shrimp. In pan frying, also called sauteing, the food cooks in a small amount of fat, usually in a skillet. Chicken, eggs, fish, and red meat are often pan fried. In stir-frying, meat or vegetables cook in a skillet or in a wok, a large, thin metal pan with a round bottom. The food is cut into small pieces and cooked in an extremely small amount of fat. The cook fries the food at a high temperature for only a few minutes and stirs it constantly with a tossing motion. Boiling is cooking food in boiling water, which has a temperature of about 212 °F (100 °C). In boiling, air bubbles rise to the surface of the water and break. Potatoes and other vegetables are often boiled in a saucepan over a burner. Simmering is cooking food in water that is just below the boiling point. Such foods as eggs and meats should be simmered rather than boiled. Cooks often use covered saucepans to simmer foods.Slow cookers are electric appliances that simmer foods at low temperatures for 4 to 12 hours. A cook puts the food and some water in a slow cooker and sets the temperature.Health experts recommend caution when using a slow cooker for meat a other foods prone to bacterial growth at warm temperatures.Use sanitary methods in preparing the food and keep it refrigerated until just before cooking. Steaming is cooking food in steam. It is used mostly to cook vegetables. To steam vegetables, place them on a rack or perforated pan in a saucepan and add water to the saucepan. The water collects below the rack or perforated pan, and the vegetables remain above--and out of--the liquid. Cover the saucepan and heat it on a burner until the water boils and forms steam, which surrounds and cooks the vegetables. Steaming takes longer than boiling. However, steamed vegetables retain better color and flavor than boiled vegetables do. They also have more nutrients because certain vitamins, including vitamin C, dissolve easily in water and may be removed by boiling. Other methods. Some foods that require a long time to cook, such as stews and dried beans, may be prepared more quickly in a pressure saucepan. This utensil cooks foods at high temperatures by means of steam under pressure. Pressure saucepans are also called pressure cookers. Another fast method of cooking uses microwaves (short radio waves). Microwave ovens heat small amounts of foods much faster than gas or electric ovens or cooktops do. Microwave ovens are especially useful for thawing frozen foods and heating soups, vegetables, and leftovers.

Basic Cutting Fish

Saturday 31 May 2014

Basic Cutting Veges

Types Of Cut
Shredded Cabbage
Turning Shape

Knife Knowlage ( Basic )

Type Of Knife 

Chef Knife Anatomy 

My Dish

Chicken Ballotine with puy Lentils chard and jus

Angel Hair Pasta Caviar

Green Lip Mussel
 Grill Lobster with butter sauce

Chicken Sandwich

Beef Katsuretsu 

Maguro Zuke

Salmon Meuniere

Europan Beef Stew 

Dori Fish Pasta
Zuppa Soup
Petit Choux Cream
Butter Rice

Paris Parisienne (cake)
Japanese Soba


Chicken Pesto Spaghetti With Baguette
Seafood Risoto
Grill King Salmon With Bechamel Souce
Penne Japanese
Seafood Escavesh
Vegan Sandwich cucumber eggplant with balsamic caviar pearls

Tart With pastry Cream and chocolate sauce
Black Angel Hair Spaghetti Scallops


Chefs cook by heart, sometimes, you imagine what the food will look like on the plate,what it will taste like,and then try to create that.You have to be very patient. 

Name: Cylvan Tan

Nationality : Indonesia

Education  : - International Hospitality Management
                    - Certificate The International Professional Executive Imperial Chef -Tokyo
                    - Certificate Culinary Art -Diploma in Professional Cookery

Carrer        :   Chef

Experiance : - swissbelhotel Manga Besar Jakarta  Year 2008
                     - Alila Hotel Jakarta  Year 2009
                     - Novotel GM Jakarta Year  2012

Cuisine is both an art and a science: it is an art when it strives to bring about the realization of the true and the beautiful, called le bon (the good) in the order of culinary ideas. As a science, it respects chemistry, physics and natural history. Its axioms are called aphorisms, its theorems recipes, and its philosophy gastronomy.”Lucien Tendret (1825-1896)