Chef Cylvan Tan Kitchen: September 2014

Monday 22 September 2014


Sauce is a french word taken from the latin Salsus,meaning salted.

Why We need Sauce? is important

Sauce play a verry important  part in all of  cookry. At time, a sauce  enhances a dish by capturing it's main Flavours and adds color and texture to a dish.

A.sauce relies on the Chef's appreciation of flavors and an understanding of thickening methods with a skilled temperature control.

Classical Mother Sauce

before we understand sauce type  we need to know what is the classical "mother sauces"
because verry important to create many diffrent types of sauce callled "Derivatives"

Mother sauces 

  1. Bechamel
  2. valuete
  3. Espagnole
The Roux type and the liquid used will deternine the name of the mother sauce. so we must understand what is roux and type of roux.

roux an equal of fat and flour cooked whisk together as the thickened agent for the sauce.

3 type of Roux 
  •  White Roux    >  milk   =  Bechamel
  •  Blond Roux    >  Chicken Stock / Fish stock / Veal Stock  =  Veloute
  •  Brown Roux  >   Beef / Veal Stock = Espagnole

Mother Sauce Derivatives
  • Bechamel
  1.  Mornay Sauce
  2.  mustard sauce 
  3.  parsley sauce
  4.  Anchovy sauce 
  • Veloute
  1. Shrimp Sauce
  2. Capers Sauce
  3. mushroom sauce
  4. white wine sauce
  • Espagnole
  1. Demi Glace Sauce
  2. Madeira Sauce
  3. Piquant Sauce
Other Sauce Type

Emulsified Sauce 

What is Emulsified?
Emulsification is when two unmixable liquids are blended toghether to form a new stable substance.

Emulsifier is a substance which stabilizes an emulsion such as egg yolk and mustard.

Emulsified Sauce:

  • Mayonnaise
  • Hollandaise Sauce
Butter Sauce

Butter Sauce  are simple in that they only require butter and few ingredients added to created sauce
such  herbs,wine,spices or stock.Can be serve in hot or cold.

Compound butter Sauce 

all made in similar fashion. the main ingredients are chopped finely and mix into soft  butter.then rolled into greaseproof paper and hardens in the fridge.

Beurre Blanc (Butter & White Wine)
A.classical french sauce beurre blanc is generaly used with fish is verry rich and does not require too much sauce on the plate.

Beurre Noisette ( Butter & Nuts)


Lamb Cutting